Crokes Talks Study Skills Talk


EVENT on April 21st Kilmacud Crokes 8pm – 9pm

Talk Title  

‘Exam preparation – how to be at your best during study and exam season’

Speaker Profile:

Brian Comerford is an authentic, passionate, and practical voice in career guidance education in Ireland. Originally a Polymer Engineer he became a Career Guidance Counsellor in 2001, and he worked in secondary schools in Dublin for almost 10 years. In 2010, he founded Classroom Guidance Ltd. The company creates a wide range of best-practise classroom resources and tools, both printed and on-line, that make guidance classes (and the wider curriculum) more effective, interesting and engaging.

Talk content

Brian’s ‘Exam Preparation’ talk is designed to support students at second and third level in the run up to summer exams. His talk will focus on the following topics;

1.       Study Skills – the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Students

2.       Managing your Energy and Focus – being at your best in the run up to the exams.

The talk is aimed at students but parents will also find it useful to attend. There will be 15 minutes at the end of the talk for Q&A.
