Our New York based blogger, Cillian Caffrey, has had a great reaction from his Kilmacud Crokes colleagues to the launch of his online updates on this site a few weeks back (click on the Statue of Liberty image, top left, for more).  Now, as we celebrate our National Feast Day, he's back with his buildup to the great day in The Big Apple!

"New York has always been associated with the Irish immigrant, but it was not until I began to live and work here that I discovered just how many Irish born people there are scattered along the length and breadth of each the five boroughs. For example, strolling down McLean Avenue in the Bronx on a summer Sunday can be reminiscent of scenes you would see in Harcourt Street on all-Ireland final night.......... We must face facts, as much as we may think that we blend seamlessly into the crowd, the truth is that we generally do stick out, 'with the big Irish heads on us', as my Cork neighbour so eloquently puts it. But strangely, this is actually one of our big selling points.........."

Click here to read more:

P.S. now where are our wannabe (but shy) contributors from London? Sydney? Hong Kong? Toronto? etc etc - let's be hearing from ye!!