Senior & Intermediate Fixtures Commence!
Senior and Intermediate Camogie girls are due to commence their league campaigns in the next two weeks. The first matches fixed for 4th March are postponed due to Colaiste Iosagain's involvement in the All Ireland Schools' Final on that date.
We would encourage as many of our players to travel to Turles to support the team which includes our own Lusai Ni Conchubhair (Capt), Michelle O Hurley, Kalianne Farren, Siofra Walshe, Anneka Kilroy, Mide Ni Conchubhair, Aisling Whitely, Doireann Ni Siocru, Aisling Brady and Laura McDonnell.
The next rounds of matches are on 11th March and 1st April. The details of the matches are posted on the 'Fixtures' section of this website.