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Snooker Table 1
At Glenalbyn, we’re always pleased to welcome new snooker players to our friendly and welcoming community. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, our club provides a comfortable and inclusive environment for all.  For questions about snooker bookings, rules, or general inquiries about Glenalbyn snooker club, feel free to email us at Please allow at least three days for a reply.

How to Join

Snooker Membership for 2025 is €260 per year, with membership running from January 1st to December 31st. To join, simply click the Snooker Membership button to register and pay. After joining, please contact us at, and our Snooker Committee will get in touch with you.

Snooker Membership Pay Now Button

Booking and Availability

All players must reserve a table through the Snooker Members App before using the snooker room.
No Booking = No Play.

If you're unsure whether to join, we’re happy to arrange for a member to show you the snooker room and play a friendly frame or two. Please allow a minimum of one week to arrange this.

Access: The snooker room Opening Times (subject to change) are as follows: 

  • Monday to Thursday: 10:00 to 15:30 and 19:00 to 22:00
  • Friday and Saturday: 10:00 to 15:30 and 19:00 to 22:00
  • Sundays: 16:00 to 20:00
  • Closed on all Public Holidays
  • Additional holiday/closing times will apply. Notice will be given where possible.

NB: Opening times are subject to change. For any enquiries about club opening times please phone: +353-1-288 0857.


Both tables have meters operated by inserting a token. Snooker tokens are available from the Club Bar only, in the evenings, and not from the Village Café or Club Office. This means that tokens can only be purchased when the Club Bar is open. Tokens currently cost €3 each and provide lights for one hour.

Snooker Table 2
Snooker Table 2

Snooker Room Rules

To Ensure everyone can fully enjoy the facilities, we have a few important rules:  

  • Membership Payment Policy: Membership fees must be fully paid before using the club’s facilities.
  • Booking: You must reserve a table through the Snooker Members App before entering the room.
  • Room Etiquette:
    • Keep the snooker room tidy and organized.
    • Maintain a quiet environment, especially when others are playing.
    • Avoid disturbing players when they’re taking a shot.
  • Table Usage:
    • Members may play on either table. Table 1 is reserved for snooker members only.
    • Use club equipment responsibly (e.g., cue extensions, rests).
    • Only strike the white ball; hitting other balls can damage them.
    • Cover the table neatly after play, unless others are waiting.
  • Food and Drink: No food is allowed in the snooker room. Drinks must be kept away from the tables.
  • Smoking: The club is a non-smoking building, and vaping is also not allowed.
  • Phones: Keep phones on silent mode, and step outside if you need to take a call.

Age Restrictions:

Children under the age of 14 are not permitted to use the snooker tables.

14 -16 year old members are only permitted to play on Table 2 under the direct supervision and accompaniment of an adult snooker member.

Members aged 16-18 have the same rights and conditions as an adult member.

League Play and Competitions

We participate in the Dublin Billiards and Snooker Leagues, with matches held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Players are given individual handicaps, and league matches run from September to April. League Matches and Tournaments: Tables may be reserved by the snooker committee for league (normally Tuesdays and Thursdays) or tournament matches on any other day.
Additionally, we host an annual club handicap tournament and occasional flyer tournaments.

Guest Policy

  • Only snooker members are allowed to invite guests, and each member may invite a guest up to two times per calendar year.
  • A maximum of two guests can be signed in (via the booking app) at a time.
  • Guests wishing to play more than the allowed two visits per year should be encouraged by their host to apply for membership.
  • Guests are allowed to play only on Table 2.  
  • The full name of each guest must be entered in the booking app (for insurance purposes).

Additional Guidelines

  • Lighting: Tables can only be used when the lights are on.
  • Security: Ensure the lights are off and doors securely closed when leaving.
  • Personal Property: The club is not responsible for any personal property left in the snooker room.
  • Conduct: Players should demonstrate good sportsmanship and shake hands with opponents at the start and end of competitive matches.

Contact Us

For inquiries about snooker membership and payment, please contact:
Phone: +353-1-288 0857

For questions about snooker bookings, rules, or general inquiries about  Glenalbyn snooker club, feel free to email the committee at Please allow at least three days for a reply.

We look forward to seeing you at Glenalbyn Snooker Club!