Feile Fundraisers

Feile Fundraisers     Football and Camogie are this year running a series of Fundraisers for the girls who will take part in the 2012 Feile in April.

After the incredible success in 2011 we are calling on all parents, family and friends to come out and support the girls in their efforts.

Please put the following dates in your diaries for this month:

Féile Table Quiz on 8th March 2012 in the Bar commencing at 8.00pm - family, friends, & neighbours are all welcome.

This is an opportunity for all to get together and enjoy a great social outing while lending our support to our girls.

        There will be a Féile Cake Sale on 25th March in Mount Merrion Community Centre after masses, all donation of cakes, biscuits, savouries etc  will be gladly and gratefully appreciated.   Please support by bringing or buying.