
The MINI ALL IRELANDS kick off in the Club this evening with Ladies Football and Camogie.

The club coaches (Paraic and Niall ) do a terrific job organising this competition every year and the children look forward to it and the numbers are steadily growing as a result. Well done Lads!

Please ensure your daughter knows her team as laid out below and reports to her manager in plenty of time prior to match. They girls will get a t-shirt from the tables which will be set up at the main pitch on the steps. The will get a t-shirt for their football team and their camogie team. They will need these for the games during the week as laid out on the time-table so be sure to bring them each evening.

To ensure the timely and smooth running of the competition, when the match is over, please co-operate with the pitch co-ordinators and move to the sidelines as another match will be starting immediately.

Parents are asked to please be extra vigilant around the club car park areas during the week - particularly with so many small children moving around the club during the tournament. If at all possible, please try to leave the car at home.

The club shop will be open on both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 4pm to 5pm

Football Teams 7/8

Football Teams 9/10

Football Teams 11/12

Camogie Teams 7/8

Camogie Teams 9/10

Camogie Teams 11/12

Game Schedule for the Week for Football and Camogie

Rules of the Competition (Camogie and Football)