Cyril Byrne strikes it lucky in Kenilworth draw!!
Congratulations to Cyril Byrne who won 2 tickets in today's draw for the big football qualifier game in Croke Park tomorrow. Thanks to Kenilworth Motors, one of our generous club sponsors, Cyril will roar the Dubs on in their much anticipated joust with Tyrone. No wonder he looks so happy in this photo (click here)!
Many thanks to Aidan Finn from Kenilworth Motors for arranging thr draw. He is hopeful of another such initiative, specially for Crokes members, if when the Dubs win so ...... check back here after the week-end and you never know your luck!!
For more on this story see this News item.
To whet your appetite for the game have a wee look at these clips from 2005, courtesy of YouTube (turn your volume up!!): (click) (click)
and, for our young Dubs cubs, from 1990 (incl. PeterCanavan with hair - aged 18!!): (click)