Duncan contributes to GAA heirloom - so can you!!

Duncan contributes to GAA heirloom - so can you!!

Kilmacud man Mark Duncan is one busy guy these days as you may have gathered from his recent profile in the sporting media.  Yes, we all know him as one of the calm and collected trio guiding our All Ireland club winners in Croke Park on St. Patricks Day and more recently in Parnell Park.  But the increased interest has less to do with that than another of his passions: research and history!  The common bond is GAA and who better than Mark, himself an All Ireland club medal winner in 1995, to espouse and clearly articulate all that is good about the Association.

On the evening of Monday 12th Oct, Mark was being interviewed in the Newstalk studios about the best‑received GAA publication for some years: The GAA: A People’s History which has just been published.  The following night he strode the line in Parnell Park for the 2nd replay of our SFC semi-final v Ballyboden.  Most of the large crowd present would not have known that Mark was missing out on another major event in his life.  At the same time, Mark’s co-authored book was being officially launched by the GAA President, and an illustrious cast, in Croke Park, little more than a mile away (details at this link).  How co-incidental!

Christy Cooney declared: “I say without hesitation that the full spectrum of the association’s wide and divergent activities are represented in what I personally believe is a superb production, one worthy of adding further allure to our 125th year .... it’s all here and the chapter headings delve into the varied and wide reaching activities that fall under the GAA’s wide and all encompassing banner. This is a Social History and to that end Games, Travel, Politics, Media, Community, Religion and the role of Women, Culture and Music in the Association, all feature"

The new book is the first major product from the Oral History Project based at Boston College-Ireland, in Stephens Green, Dublin. This GAA-sponsored project was established to help mark the Association’s 125th anniversary.   Mark is one of the directors of the project and wrote the book with Mike Cronin and Paul Rouse.

The Oral History Project is the largest public history undertaking of its kind and is intended to reach out to anybody with an experience of the GAA.  No sporting organisation anywhere in the world has attempted to do what this project will do.

Anybody can contribute by filling out one of the questionnaires that is available at www.gaahistory.com.  This is YOUR chance to contribute to what is destined to be a most wonderful GAA legacy for the enjoyment of current and future generations!!

There have been many reviews of the book to date, all positive, and more will follow as further launch events take place in Cork (October 20), Newry (November 4) and Galway (November 11), assisted by ESB who are launch partners.  Keith Duggan of the Irish Times said: “this is a book to keep  …. the publication was commissioned by the GAA and they have been handsomely rewarded for their investment, not just through sourcing of fabulous photographs but through the reproduction of documents and old publications as well”

Reviews of 'The GAA: A People's History':

Irish News Review Article
Evening Echo Review Article

Listen to John Bowman's Sunday Shows on the 11th and 18th Oct 2009 featuring segments on The GAA: A People's History: http://www.rte.ie/radio1/bowmansundaymorning/1249939.html

The GAA: A People's History is available to buy NOW for €30 in all good bookshops or visit the Collins Press Website at www.collinspress.ie.

