House Happenings - More than Just a GAA club


We would like to give members a quick update on some of the other activities in the club which may be of interest

Meetings     Meeting Rooms;  We have a number of meeting rooms – catering for 2 to 200 – and, subject to availability, members are very welcome to use facilities for Club business.   If you wish to make a reservation, please email Joan and Denise at well in advance of meeting so we can do our best to facilitate you.    AGMs; Have you booked yours yet??.  If not, please do as the Function Room is booking out fast!     Xmas Celebrations;  We’d love to host you/mentors/teams/families.  Please let us know if and how we can help. 2017;     Do you hold regular meetings?  If you do, let us know when you are likely to require rooms – day,  date, time & number attending – so that we can schedule your meetings and ensure members get first choice (‘first come, first served’!).  

Front Office Current ‘public’ opening hours are Monday to Friday from 10 a.m to 1 p.m.  This service is offered through a combination of volunteers and staff; a messaging service operates Mondays, Joan volunteers Tuesdays & Thursday while Denise works  Wednesdays and Fridays.  The club appreciates very much this support from Denise and Joan

Cleaning   Following a re-organisation of activities, cleaning services have been contracted out.  We are confident this change will make a positive difference the club facilities.  A deep clean’ will be conducted over 5 days on the premises starting Tuesday 1st November 2016 and carpet cleaning is scheduled for November. If you’re aware of something that needs attention, please let us know.  Please help us keep the Club House tidy… Ask all players to remove boots before entering the premises – damaging to floors and leave dirt - and ensure under age groups are always supervised

What’s on;  For info, we now have a number of member/community ‘regulars’ operating out of the house ;

Pilates;                                 Run by Keira Brown & Physio Extra team on Monday and Thursday mornings

Weightwatchers;             Tuesday evenings & Wednesday mornings

Steps in Fitness’;            Monday & Wednesday evenings

National Learning Network;  Run activities for their members on Monday (yoga) and Wednesday (tennis)

Yoga;                                     Run by Fiona Donovan on Tuesdays & Friday mornings

South City Church            Sundays              

Art Groups          Tuesdays & Thursdays                 

Bridge   Wednesdays

Drama Group                     Starting shortly on Saturdays and being run by Nicola Murphy

Support our Supporters when you can – and spread the word about them!



House Happening's - More than Just a GAA club
House Happening's - More than Just a GAA club