KC All Stars Update


KC All-stars are enjoying all the silverware, we really appreciate our senior footballers James, Cian & Luke for sharing their success with us.

The boys and girls are so thrilled with the new sports kit - Agility and Balance equipment, bean bags, various bats and balls, Sensory toys  and shimmering movement & dance props, so there is something for everyone.

Thanks to DLR Sports Partnership and Sport Ireland for their generous funding for this programme.

We wish Aisling Whitely well on her travels and thank her very much for her huge contribution to Disability Inclusion in Kilmacud Crokes over the last number of years.

As our group is always expanding and more children are joining our team we are urgently seeking more coaches or volunteers to come along. You can help with the coaching, organising or just simply helping out with the set up and the gear.  If you or anyone you know is interested please contact Orlaith Doran by email on orlaith.doran@gmail.com.





KC All Stars Update
KC All Stars Update
KC All Stars Update
KC All Stars Update
KC All Stars Update
KC All Stars Update
KC All Stars Update