Kilmacud Community Men's Shed (KCMS) Update

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Kilmacud Community Men's Shed celebrated its 2nd birthday last Monday at our weekly meeting. We were treated to a fantastic cake which was made by Anne Strain for the group.  Anne is married to one of our members Mick Strain.  Also featured in this post are pictures of the ongoing work a group of shed volunteers have been doing in Saint Brigid's school - getting a Poly Tunnel ready for the  children to learn about planting. The shed members were acknowledged by the school in a Facebook post - 

Featured in this article also is a KCMS walk on Thursday March 6th where shed stalwart Brian Hollinshead led a walk in the local area following the Glaslower Brewery Stream which was a water feature of Stillorgan Golf Club of old. On the way, the group passed by or close to a number of interesting estate houses.  Well done to Brian and members of the group who did some research on the houses they passed and shared with the group. 

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