Temporary facility to allow Kilmacud Crokes GAA members become members of Glenalbyn Tennis Club


Following on from the opening of the Tennis Courts and given the current restrictions on GAA activities, the Tennis Committee in conjunction with Kilmacud Glenalbyn Sports Club (KGSC) would like to make a special offer of Tennis add on to existing GAA members at no extra cost to the member:

The opening of the Tennis Courts has proved to be a successful operation with adherence to the agreed protocols.

There is some spare capacity on the Courts and GAA players have limited access to exercise and no access to sport at the   moment.

We wish to allow paid up GAA members to apply for Tennis Add on for June, July and August at no extra cost.

The GAA applicants will be registered as temporary Tennis members for the 3 months and must comply with tennis Ireland Covid-19 Return to Tennis protocols.

Any GAA members who wishes to continue for the remainder of the year after August will be subject to an add on charge.

If you are a fully paid up GAA member you can apply for temporary Tennis membership as follows:

Email the office at info@glenalbyn.ie

Once your GAA membership has been validated you will then be registered for temporary Tennis membership

You will receive an email from the Tennis Club outlining the booking system and playing protocols that must be adhered to

You will be added to a Tennis mailing list and receive all further communications in relation to the Tennis Club for the months of June, July and August

You are then in a position to book a court and play and enjoy tennis

If you wish to continue with membership after August you will be notified of the process for doing this in August


Tennis is one of the best sports for keeping your body and mind in great shape and is truly a sport for life as people play well into their 80s and older. It offers lots of health benefits that you might not know about. Tennis is an accessible sport to get involved in and it’s also a great social activity. It’s easy to meet new people and you can play as much or as little as you like.

Temporary facility to allow Kilmacud Crokes GAA members become members of Glenalbyn Tennis Club