How YOU can help in 2010 - give a little, it will help a lot!

How YOU can help in 2010 - give a little, it will help a lot!

There are many tasks involved in running a voluntary organisation like Kilmacud Crokes.  Thankfully, we have volunteers of all ages involved throughout the club, some of whom you may know little about.  It's so much better when everyone plays their part!

Would YOU have some time to help this year, even an hour a week?  In the web-site, text messaging and video/photography areas we are currently seeking additional input to improve our service to members.  No particular skills required, just a commitment to help out with a small part of the overall activity, wherever and whenever you can manage it.  And the good news is ..... you don't even have to sit on a committee!!

Perhaps you are a current or former player that would like to contribute in a less athletic way?  or a student that would like to know more about, and directly influence the development of, YOUR club?  or a parent who appreciates what the club is doing for the kids?  or someone who just happens to be less busy, for one reason or another, than previously?  Whatever your background or gender we would love YOU to come forward and say "Yes, I can help a little with that".

If you do feel you could help in any way please send an email to with your contact details OR give Cyril a call any evening at .... 087-6738114.  We look forward to hearing from you - it could be the most fulfilling move you make this year!  Please don't hesitate ... do it now!
