Upcoming Free Parenting Programme - Parenting Adolescents and a six week CBT programme for teenagers - Working Things Out' both starting 26th February for six weeks
The Parenting Programme and the Working things out Programme will be happening at the same time (Tuesday evenings 7pm to 9pm in Mounttown) so this might ideally suit families where the young person would benefit from the CBT Programme while Parents avail of the Parenting Programme.
See some further information here below on the two programmes. Where parents are not attending the Parenting Programme a parent/guardian will need to remain on site for the session.
Working Things Out aims to help young people build communication and conflict resolution skills in to order to help them improve their relationships within their families, in school and in the community. The programme sessions are designed around a DVD of personal stories of adolescents who have coped with issues such as Bullying, School Pressures, Conflict with Parents, as well as more specific mental health issues, such as Anxiety, Depression ADHD, OCD, Self-harm and Suicide. Each of the stories are four/five minutes long and are presented as mini-movies with animation, voiceover and a soundtrack. The stories offer advice on how to cope and give ideas on how to improve relationships, things young people can do to help themselves and getting help and support.
The course is run by the HSE Dublin South Psychology services. The course consists of six workshops. Each workshop focuses on a one story from the DVD. To sign up for the course you must be able to attend all workshops.
WHERE IS IT ON? Mounttown Community Facility, Mounttown, Dun Laoghaire.
WHEN? 7pm to 9pm, Tuesday evenings from 26th February to 2nd April. These dates are: 26th February, 5th, 12nd, 19th and 26th of March, and 2nd of April. Attendance at all dates is required.
COST: This is a HSE run course and there is no charge.
The course is open to teenagers living in the HSE Dublin South Area (most of Dun Laoghaire/ Rathdown). We will explore initially by phone if this programme is likely to be helpful. We will meet all parents and teenagers for an individual introductory meeting prior to the group starting. We must get consent from parents for the teenager to attend.
If you think this might be a helpful programme for your teen and they are interested in attending the course please call Ruth Kilgallon Tel: 01 2365257 or email ruth.kilgallon@hse.ie expressing your interest and we will get back to you to discuss this.
Course facilitators James Mc Fadden Rebecca Collins, Emma O’Byrne
The Parents Plus Adolescents Programme considers how parents can connect with and build good relationships with their teenage children, while also being firm and influential in their lives.
Topics include:
Getting to know and connecting with your teenager.
Communicating positively and effectively.
Building your teenager’s self-esteem and confidence.
Negotiating rules and boundaries.
The course is run by the HSE Dublin South Psychology services. The course consists of six workshops. A follow up workshop can be facilitated at a later date. Each workshop focuses on a positive parenting and positive discipline idea. To sign up for the course you must be able to attend all workshops.
WHERE IS IT ON? Mounttown Community Facility, Mounttown, Dun Laoghaire.
WHEN? 7pm to 9pm, Tuesday evenings from 26th February to 2nd April. These dates are: 26th February, 5th, 12nd, 19th and 26th of March, and 2nd of April.
COST: This is a HSE run course and there is no charge.
The course is free to attend and open to all parents and those parenting teenagers are living in HSE Dublin South Area (Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown). Where possible we recommend that both parents attend the course as this is most helpful. If you are a single parent, please feel free to bring along another supportive family member involved in parenting your child/children.
If you are interested in attending the course please call Ruth Kilgallon Tel: 01 2365257 or email ruth.kilgallon@hse.ie expressing your interest.
Course facilitator Aisling White and Aine Mahon