Revamped club website launched!


Click here to access the revamped main Club websiteWe are delighted to announce that the main club website which has been craving attention for some time, has now been completely revamped! The new home page features links to the existing Section-specific websites within the club, together with other useful links and contacts. It is intended that all club sites, existing and new, will continue to be reachable via this common portal.

One advantage of this site is the high likelihood of finding it quickly when people search for Kilmacud Crokes in Google or other search engines - this had proved troublesome for some.  Check the new-look site out by clicking on the club logo above, or the link at the bottom of this report.

Many thanks to Diarmuid Ó Gallchobhair, Cyril Loughlin and Des Molyneaux for their unstinting efforts to resolve this long-standing issue, ably supported by John and Sophia in eSports Manager who now host the new site.  A lot done but ..... some more to do!

We hope you enjoy it and, most importantly, that you contribute content for the various Section sub-sites, in the form of match reports, news items and photos.  After all this is your club and the website is the key to its equivalent cyber world.  See you there soon!

