On yer bike!
Time to dust the cobwebs off that bike and re-live the fun of cycling. The Club is organising a fun cycle to be held on 17th March 2010. Two options for participants – a 35km cycle or a 100km cycle – the choice is yours. Participation is sought from parents, mentors and adult players on this fun event which is designed to assist in raising funds for the Club’s Benevolent and Development funds (see below).
Participants are asked to raise sponsorship for their participation and all funds raised will be divided equally between the Benevolent and Development funds. Cyclists are asked to target a sponsorship level of €200 per head. Cyclists of all abilities are asked to participate in this Club event and the Peleton Leaders (Yellow Jersey wearers) on the day will be the individuals who raise the most money in sponsorship.
Participants must be more than 18 years of age and some advice on training etc will be given to those who confirm their participation. This is not a race and all cyclists and their families are invited to the club at the end for a Gala Family Day including entertainment, food etc in the club. Both distances will be mapped out for participants starting and finishing in the Club. On the day full ‘on the road’ support and direction will be provided.
Please support this fun event and signal your participation by e-mail to the address below or by contacting one of the names below. Sponsorship cards will be supplied to all participants.
By e-mail : crokescycle@gmail.com
By ‘phone :
Pat Walsh – 0862544142,
Gerry Green – 0862523304,
Pat Halpin – 0868326377,
Frank Rutledge – 0872653653,
John Shovlin – 0872408280,
Kevin Mulligan – 0872518755,
Donie Dowling – 0872525246,
Kevin Foley – 0862327735.
Club Benevolent Fund : A fund in existence in the Club for many years which is used to support members of the club on those occasions when a degree of financial support is useful at a difficult moment in their lives. The fund is administered privately and confidentially by very senior and long-standing members of the Club. It is a fund provided by members for members who need support at difficult periods.
Club Development Fund : A fund which is in place to support the development of all the facilities in the club for the benefit of the club’s members and teams. This fund is fully accounted for in Club accounts.