Kilmacud Community Men's Shed - Walkers and Talkers - Local History Walk Friday March 8th
A group of our shed members completed a local history walk today - facilitated by Brian Hollinshead - see update from Brian below
Walkers and talkers: Thanks to those who came today, a special mention to those who added interest by offering to take a data sheet during the week and then use it and more to share details with the rest of us. Thanks also to Karen Dalton the local historian, co-founder of the web page on local houses YOUWHO.IE, who shared their data sheets with us. P.S. Have just met Karen at the polling station and she is delighted to hear that you have some details of extra family names and perhaps shop names for the Hill in Stillorgan and the Grange Cottages. PLease bring those notes with you on Monday. I will be there from 10.30 so come a little early if it suits you. Brian.