Dublin County Board CCC2 Football & Hurling League Regulations 2010







Football Sizes:

  • U13/14 – Size 4
  • U15/16 – Size 5


Sliotar Sizes:

  • U13/14/15 – Juvenile
  • U16 – Senior

Team Sizes:

  1. All divisions 15 a-side.
  2. Where necessary from Div.3 to lowest division minimum of 13 a-side can be played.  Both teams must play equal numbers.
  3. Teams in Div.3 or lower with fewer than 13 players will forfeit the points.
  4. Where teams are playing with reduced numbers i.e. 13 or 14 a side and a team loses a player through injury or a red card the other team is NOT obliged to take off a player
  5. Under these reduced numbers regulations teams that play more players than their opposition have available to them forfeit the points


Team Sizes:

  • Division 1 – 15 a-side
  • Where necessary in Div. 2 a minimum of 13 a-side can be played, while in Div.3 and lower 11 a-side may be played.  Div. 1 must play 15 a-side.
  • Teams in Div.2 or 3 with less than 13 players and Division 4 and 5 with fewer than 11 players will forfeit the points.
  • Where teams are playing with reduced numbers i.e. 11 to 14 a side and a team loses a player through injury or a red card the other team is NOT obliged to take off a player.
  • Under these reduced numbers regulations teams that play more players than their opposition have available to them forfeit the points




Kick Outs

  1. At U13/14 kick outs are from the hand.
  2. After a wide they are taken from the small square.
  3. After a score they are taken from the 21 yard line.
  4. At U15/16 kick outs are from the ground as per T.O. 2009. 
  5. Any player may use a tee for a kick out.


Puck Outs

Rules as per T.O. 2009



  • As per T.O. 2009





Rules as per T.O. 2009



  • If home team’s pitch is unplayable the fixture must be played at opponent’s venue if playable, otherwise the home team will forfeit the points.
  • The home team is responsible for making contact with their opposition if the home team’s pitch is unplayable.
  • In the case of teams that use city council/corporation pitches this should be done as soon as the pitches are declared unplayable on a Friday by the local council/corporation.
  • In the case of a club that has its own pitches contact must be made by 6 p.m. on Friday for weekend games or 6 p.m. on the day before a midweek game by the home team declaring that their pitch is playable/unplayable. If the home pitch is declared playable in these circumstances only the referee may subsequently deem it unplayable as per T.O. 2009. Should the home team declare their pitch unplayable at short notice i.e. on the day of the game without the referee’s consent when the away team has a playable pitch they will forfeit the points unless exceptional circumstances, in the view of CCC2, are deemed to have prevailed.



Player Eligibility

  • If a team has an issue about the eligibility of an opposing player the mentor should ask the referee to:
    • Take the player’s name
    • Get the player’s signature
    • Get the player’s date of birth
    • Request the referee to report this to CCC2.

Issues of registration can only be dealt with by written request to Parnell Park from the club secretary with the query.



  • Referee’s fees are €20 per team.
  • The HOME team must contact the referee to ensure his availability.
  • If a referee is not notified by the HOME team of a call off or change of venue/time then the HOME team as listed for the fixture is liable for the full fee of €40.
  • In the event that a referee fails to show, the away team has the option to referee the game.
  • If they do not wish to exercise this option then the home team MUST referee or concede the game. 
  • This rule does not apply to Championship games where a neutral referee must be present.



  • All games are play or concede with the following exception.
  • The Chairperson of CCC2 may officially call off or postpone a fixture if he feels that the circumstances are exceptional.
  • Any fixture not played and not officially called off will result in a w/o if one team fails to field or will be void if both teams do not field.  In this event a fine may also be imposed on the clubs.
  • Official fixtures will not be called off for school trips, friendlies outside the county, invitations to tournaments etc. Clubs will only be given permission to travel to tournaments if they have played their scheduled game in advance. The penalties for unauthorised participation in a tournament as laid down in T.O. 2009 will be imposed on clubs who do not adhere to this regulation. In addition the mentors of any team along with the juvenile chairperson and/or juvenile secretary as advised to CCC2 on competition entry forms shall be liable to eight week’s suspension if it is proved to the satisfaction of CCC2 that they participated in a tournament/challenge game without permission
  • All games from Saturday 26th June to Saturday 28th August 2010 (dates INCLUSIVE) may, with the agreement of BOTH teams, be played within a seven day period BEFORE or AFTER the scheduled fixture date. They may not be played outside of this time period. All other fixtures must be played on or in advance of the scheduled date.
  • In the event of a bereavement cancellation of matches will be at the discretion of the chairperson of CCC2 only. A game will be given off only where the bereavement has a direct bearing on a particular team. CCC2 will not grant a club all of its fixtures off in the case of bereavement except in the most exceptional circumstances.
  • Officials of CCC2 will not enter into phone correspondence regarding fixtures except in the case where a replacement referee is required. All correspondence regarding fixtures must be via the club delegate or juvenile secretary to the secretary of CCC2. Once decisions have been made no further correspondence will be entered into.
  • Walkovers – On the concession of a second walkover a team shall be removed from the league unless exceptional circumstances prevail. If CCC2 judge that exceptional circumstances have prevailed in a particular case a team shall be allowed to continue to play but shall, on the concession of any further game, be removed from the competition.


Top 4 Bottom 4 Leagues and Variations of Same.

  • League round fixtures must be completed before Top 4 Bottom 4 begins.
  • If back matches arise before start of Top 4 Bottom 4 they will be fixed on dates not necessarily fixed in the calendar in order to allow Top 4 Bottom 4 to proceed as scheduled.
  • Points will carry forward from 1st round.
  • These fixtures will be strictly play or concede.
  • Winners/Runners Up will be determined from the Top 4 while relegation will be decided from the Bottom 4.



  • Results must be returned prior to 12p.m. on the Monday after a weekend fixture or 12 p.m. the next day for a midweek fixture. A correct score MUST be sent in. There is a €50 fine for non compliance with this regulation.
  • Results should be returned to 8058206 or juvresults@dublingaa.ie


Other matters

  • In all other matters the rules of T.O. 2009 will apply. In particular clubs/mentors are asked to make themselves familiar with the rules relating to discipline, objections and appeals.