Operation Kickstart Kilmacud OKK


As members will know, CrokesTalks is our tag line for the strategy and focus we are developing and implementing in the club for Mental Health and Wellbeing.


To date we have held a number of successful events and on November 25th, we will launch the Club's overall strategy document in this regard. One of the future events we are hoping to do as part of this strategy is an "Operation Kickstart Kilmacud" in the club. The program will likely run from January to March 2016 and will leverage ideas from the RTE program Operation Transformation and from the success of similar programs which have been done in GAA clubs around the country.   OKK will take place across 10 weeks ranging from approx. 13th Jan - 23rd March.  

We will aim to organise 4 teams -  E.g. Red/Blue/Green/Yelllow. Each team will have a "Leader" who will be responsible for encouraging attendance and motivating their team to achieve higher standard

The program will consist of 4 different activities that take place on 4 different nights of the week, for example:

  • Monday: Couch to 5K
  • Tuesday: Yoga/Pilates
  • Wednesday: Zumba/Boxercise
  • Saturday: Outdoor Boot-camp/Circuits

(These activities are just samples and will be entirely dependent on the instructors that come forward

Each team will "own" one of the above activities and commit to attending 10 sessions of this activity over the course of the 10 weeks. However, if people wish to take on extra sessions or if they are unable to attend their own session, they also have the opportunity of attending other team sessions on alternative days. 

·Each team member will have a "Record Card" that they must bring to each session in order to receive a stamp from the instructor to prove that they attended. Record cards will have a maximum space for 40 stamps and the person with the most stamps for attendance at the end of the 10 weeks will win a prize. (Sample record card attached)

There will be a "Finale Event" at the end of the 10 weeks that every member of OKK as well as the club membership and wider community will be encouraged to participate in. This will be a 5K Fun-Run/Walk that will take place around the Stillorgan/Kilmacud area.


·A sponsored social event will be organised for all participants in OKK after the programme is completed (such as a lunch/dinner in the club) that will include prize-giving. 


To get us started, we are looking to gauge interest and support from the membership. If you would be up for taking part in this please drop an email to our Club Wellbeing Officer Kevin Mulligan at kevinmulligan@eircom.net   with your name and contact details. We would like to make this a broad club / community program.  Please also indicate if you would be up for taking on a leadership role for some of the activities. Looking forward to hearing from you

CrokesTalks Working Group
Kevin Mulligan, Club Wellbeing Officer