Club Benevolent Fund
Kilmacud Crokes Members
As managers, mentors, volunteers, committee members and members of our club community it is important that we all look out for each other at this extraordinary time.
Apart from all of the stresses and difficulty which people might experience through this pandemic crisis it is possible that financial challenges can impose an even greater burden on some of our fellow club members.
The purpose of this note, which is circulated across all of the sections’ internal mailing lists, is to ensure that we all remain conscious of the Club Benevolent Fund. This is a fund put together by the members’ contributions over many years and which is deigned to support members wherever financial challenges might arise. The business of this fund has always been carried out confidentially and respectfully. Any person accessing the fund will be clear that they do so in confidence.
This fund is a members’ fund to be used by members when it is needed. As volunteers and members we all bear a responsibility to keep our eyes open for any situations where we think a fellow member or member’s family might be facing a challenge of a financial nature – even if it is just the challenge of meeting a household bill like for example insurance or grocery bills or indeed something more significant.
Your job is to make contact with the benevolent committee if you need support yourself or if you have a concern that a member known to you might need support. We don’t have to be sure or even know the full details of a fellow member’s situation to make contact with the committee. We will chat the matter over with anybody making contact with us and decide on the best approach in any given situation.
The benevolent committee is made up of well known and long standing members of the Club. It is Chaired by Paddy Walsh and is made up of John Baker, Frank Rutledge, Pat Halpin, Gerry Greene, Kevin Foley and Donie Dowling. If you have a matter to raise please make contact with any of these people. The Committee will take the matter from there. We have always succeeded in ensuring respect, confidentiality and dignity for any member calling on their benevolent fund.
Contact can be made with any member of the Committee directly or alternatively to the Committee via any member of any section committee.
Kevin Foley | Chairman
Kilmacud Crokes GAA Club