Kilmacud Strategic Plan -EGM Wednesday 17th April at 8:30pm



For the last four months a representative Steering Group, established by the Club Executive, has been working as a team to develop a Strategic Plan for Kilmacud Crokes. The Plan, if adopted, will be a blueprint for how all sections of the Club need to work together and harness their energies so as to meet the undoubted challenges which lie ahead. In particular, it will ensure that Kilmacud Crokes continues to thrive at Football, Hurling, Ladies Football and Camogie well into the future.

The process commenced with a large community-based Workshop in Stillorgan Park Hotel in early December. The workshop was attended by in excess of 250 members, who expressed their hopes and aspirations for the future of the Club. One hundred of those present volunteered to participate in seven focus groups. These groups met subsequently in Croke Park in January to put 'meat on the bones' of the ideas and aspirations expressed at the Stillorgan Park Workshop.

Since then, the Steering Group has consolidated all the outputs from the consultation process into a draft plan, which has been debated, discussed and refined at length.

It is now the turn of all members to re-engage with the process. In particular, the Draft Strategic Plan will be presented to all Club members for adoption (or otherwise) at a Special General Meeting of Kilmacud Crokes to be held in the Clubhouse on Wednesday 17th April at 8.30pm. This is a very important event, which will hopefully be a milestone in the history of our great Club. It is therefore essential that all members who have an interest in the future of Kilmacud Crokes attend and vote at the EGM.

Click anywhere on the images below to view/download the document


Kilmacud Strategic Plan