Showcase of Our Upgraded Club Gym


As members may or may now know, we have completed an upgrade of our gym in the club. This has involved a doubling in size, installing new equipment and painting / decorating.  The gym is targeted at strength and conditioning for players. All players must be over 16 to use the facility.   There are strict access and usage rules for the gym in order to adhere to insurance guidelines and all groups/players must sign a usage liability wavier.  Our senior players and strength and conditioning coaches had a big input into the design and redevelopment. We were also able to leverage some grant monies to complete the work. In that regard,  we are hugely grateful for DLR's sports grant support to enable this. We would like to thank all those involved in this project. Coupled with the investment and development of Pairc De Burca and the expansion of the shop, this sets the club up well for the future


Showcase of Our Upgraded Club Gym
Showcase of Our Upgraded Club Gym
Showcase of Our Upgraded Club Gym
Showcase of Our Upgraded Club Gym
Showcase of Our Upgraded Club Gym
Showcase of Our Upgraded Club Gym