Kilmacud Crokes Mini All-Ireland Update - Important Information


Kilmacud Crokes Mini ‘All-Ireland’ Update

The Bank of Ireland sponsored Mini All-Ireland series is now well underway.  This week over 400 young girls are participating in Football & Camogie games,  next week almost 500 boys are expected for Hurling and in our final week we expect up to 700 boys for the football competition.  Coupled with supporters, it makes for a very busy few weeks.  While the weather to date hasn’t been great, participants are enthusiastic as ever, enjoying the games and we are delighted to host so many keen young players.  
As with all our activities, the safety and wellbeing of participants – and supporters – is our primary concern.  With this in mind, the following traffic management plan is in place over coming weeks (to 23rd June) : 
-  Monday to Thursday evenings: Access via front entrance in single file past a series of barriers.  You may also access grounds via Lower Car Park (alongside swimming pool)
-  Friday evenings (9th, 16th & 23rd June): One-way system in place with entrance to the grounds only possible via Lower Car Park and all parking in the Main Car Park.  
Due to high levels of participation, parking is limited.  When possible, please leave your car at home and walk or cycle.  If driving, do so carefully and only ever park in dedicated parking spaces.  For our part, we will ensure access at all times for any emergency and have a team of volunteers to ensure the safe passage of children as they move from Clubhouse to pitches and for the purposes of managing traffic.  Please respect their instructions at all times.  
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Paraic McDonald / Niall Corcoran
on behalf of the organising committee of the Mini All Irelands 2017
Kilmacud Crokes Mini ‘All-Ireland’ Update - Important Information