Village Cafe Open Friday / Saturday Evenings, Sunday 10am to 3pm


Dear Members. 

We are delighted to announce the reopening of The Village Cafe, on Monday 20th July at 9am. All health and safety protocols are in place, and we will continue to adhere to government guidelines. There is no need to book in advance, but if you are more comfortable with pre'booking we are happy to facilitate you. 

We are making changes to our opening hours and its good news hopefully.The cafe will remain open on Fridays & Saturdays until 8.30pm with  menu variations.  As per current guidelines booking is necessary for these two evenings.  New Sunday opening hours from 10am to 3pm, serving Brunch, will commence on the 26th of July. 

The Village Cafe is so much a part of the club and community. Now, more so than ever we need the support of both as we continue to develope our business.  We look forward to seeing you soon.

For bookings please phone us directly at 01 2108310


Michael 087 3967711

Linda     086 6607901

Village Cafe Re-opens Moinday July 20th 9am - Come On Down and Enjoy Your Cafe