Hi everyone,
Although the 2007 footballers ran throughout the summer, we're all looking forward to the return of many players and the welcoming some new faces in September.
This year, although the continuing focus will be on teaching the boys the basic skills, we've also arranged some friendly matches with local clubs and hope to get a couple more in the diary – no doubt this will create great excitement for the boys and for many will be their first opportunity to represent their club and local community.
The draft calendar for the group for the year can be viewed here. This includes details of training and matches and other important dates. With so much to plan for we're holding a parents information night for the 2007 group in the club on Wednesday, 11th September at 8.30 and would appreciate if as many parents as possible could make it – more to follow.
Looking forward to the season ahead and as always if you've any questions or suggestions or would like to help please let me know.
David Barrett