KCWheelers Annual ST Paddy's Day Cycle 2024 Supporting Brain Tumor Ireland

Abhar an Leathanaigh

Well done to all of the KCWheelers cyclists who took part in the annual ST Patrick's day cycle over the weekend of the 15th - 18th of March.  Groups went  out Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Saturday was extremely testing weather wise but still was our biggest turnout ,fair play all. In total, over 60 cyclists took part in the spins raising over €4,500. This year, the funds donated by the cyclists will go to Brain Tumor Ireland - the cycle also was a key event in training for this year's M2M cycle, with many cyclists completing 100km  on the spin. Special mention and congrats for Prof Arnie Hill who completed his first century cycle and to Paul Gallagher who continued his cycle down to Wexford for the weekend. Also thanks to Donie and Linda for their efforts in getting everyone organized and to the group leaders on the road who kept everyone safe. Thanks again to everyone who took part, another great achievement for KC Wheelers. 

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