Juvenile Football partnership with UCD School of  Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science.

Abhar an Leathanaigh

This week, almost 300 u13, u14 & u15 KC footballers descended on the UCD High Performance Gym to kick off our novel partnership with the UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science.

Under the supervision of Dr James Timmons; Assistant Professor in Strength & Conditioning each juvenile football team has been assigned a Health & Performance Science student for the winter months to help oversee Athletic Development.

The programme started with a series of baseline tests in the High Performance Gym this week, including 20m Sprints, Vertical jump height and Upper-body strength. The boys will be reassessed after the 12 week programme to determine progress The Juvenile Committee have no doubt that this novel partnership will bring huge benefits and a fun element to all juvenile panels over the winter months. Special thanks to Dr. James Timmons and his UCD team for bringing the programme to fruition.
