LOTTO WINNER - €11,800
On Thursday 23rd of October, Michael was presented with his cheque in the club. Pictured in the photo are a very happy Michael Mc Nicholas, Kevin Foley Club Chairman and Martin Byrne chairperson of the Club Lotto Committee. While income from membership subs is substantial and is used to support the activities of all sections and the running of the club generally - we do need the income from the Lotto to support the one off vital projects. Recent projects supported by Lotto funding have been the redevelopment of the club Gym and the replacement of the nets behind the goals in the Paddock/Sliverpark. We would request and encourage all members to continue to provide this valued support for the Lotto. Renewal of the annual €100 tickets will be coming up in the next few weeks. More publicity to follow.
Many thanks for all your support in the past and we look forward and will be counting on this in the future